Univers City

An entertainment veranda for your little ones.

You can lead your child’s energy without spending exorbitant amounts. Stimulate his creativity in a unique way! Ingenious veranda design solutions will help you save time and money. We will propose ecological and original options for transforming an ordinary garden into an oasis of color.

Playing activates more of their senses and helps brain development. The more the activities require more senses, the happier the child is.  Movement is very important for the development of the little one. Accessories such as the swing, the trampoline, the rope should not be missing from any garden.

A useful way to fructify the child’s energy is to develop from an early age the passion for setting up a garden and for the environment. Teach him to discover the joy of nature and how beautiful it is to take care of plants. You can allocate a small space for him to be officially “his garden”. There you gradually help him plant vegetables and take care of them together. To make gardening as attractive as possible, opt for a design that will fascinate him. Consider adding pebbles, fir cones, or seashells. He will be delighted!

For sunny summer days, a wooden house or a fort are perfect. With a minimal investment in a few wooden boards and with the advice of a carpenter, you can build a shelter in the shade, extremely useful especially in summer afternoons. There he will draw, color or play quietly, without the risk of sunstroke.

Building in-ground swimming pools makes the backyard appealing even during the hottest months of summer. Kid pools are available in sizes ranging from tiny to tremendous.

There are dozens of ways to convert even the most modest veranda into a healthy home playground that will delight your children time.


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